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Causes and treatments for dogs with skin fungus and hair loss

There are many diseases in dogs that make your pet uncomfortable and ringworm in dogs is a disease that commonly occurs in dogs. Although the disease does not affect the sperm, it will cause pain and burning sensation in the pet and loss of aesthetics because the dog has skin fungus and hair loss. Today Dogsbreed will share all information such as the causes and how to treat dogs with skin fungus.

Causes of dogs with skin fungus

Skin fungus appears when the dog’s sleeping area is not kept clean, creating favorable conditions for fungal bacteria to grow.

Dog hair and skin that are constantly wet are also the cause of skin fungus, which often occurs in dogs with long, dense hair.

Causes of fungal skin disease in dogs
Causes of fungal skin disease in dogs

Bathing too much is also a reason why dogs get skin fungus. Dogs’ skin has a layer of oil that protects and moisturizes the skin. If you bathe too much, it will cause PH imbalance in the skin, causing sensitive, vulnerable skin and loss of skin resistance.

In addition, using human soap is also the cause of dogs getting skin fungus. Dog fur and skin contain bacteria that are beneficial to dogs. Using human soap for dogs will kill those bacteria, causing discomfort and possibly leading to skin fungus.

Parasites such as mites, scabies, etc. will make the dog feel itchy and uncomfortable. They will suck the dog’s blood, causing the dog to become anemic and cause skin damage. Create a favorable environment for bacteria to grow.

See more: Dog hair loss: Causes, treatment and prevention

Signs of fungal skin disease in dogs

Your dog will often scratch areas with fungus. They will roll around on the floor and ground because they cannot scratch in some hidden locations.

Signs of fungal skin disease in dogs
Signs of fungal skin disease in dogs

When dogs having skin fungus, the dog’s skin surface will appear scaly and red. In more severe cases, there may be pus causing hair loss and skin necrosis. The necrotic area will have a foul odor and become ulcerated

Due to the above symptoms, dogs will become aggressive and restless.

Ways to completely cure skin fungus in dogs

Skin diseases in dogs often have similar symptoms. The best treatment is to take your dog to the vet for timely and proper examination and treatment.

How to completely treat dogs with skin fungus
How to completely treat dogs with skin fungus

If your dog only has mild fungal bites, you can treat it at home in the following ways:

  • Clean the dog’s living area.
  • Cutting and trimming hair neatly will help the treatment achieve high effectiveness.
  • Choose appropriate treatment products and bath soaps.
  • Apply special medications to dogs at the correct dosage and instructions.
  • Bathe your dog regularly, at least once a week, with dog-safe soap.
  • Strengthen your dog’s immune system by adding good dog foods such as eggs, milk,…
  • Monitor your dog’s daily expressions and changes.
  • Eliminate disease-carrying hosts such as ticks, lice,…

How to prevent fungus and scabies in dogs

To limit the possibility of fungal skin infections in dogs, owners of pet dogs need to focus on cleaning and airing the dog’s living area and bathing the dog regularly. Use soaps with a pH suitable for your dog. Owners need to pay attention to monitoring and periodically examining their dog’s health to detect diseases as early as possible.

Ringworm in dogs causes discomfort for your dog. However, if detected and treated promptly, your dog will quickly recover. Categories Dog Health hopes this article will help you and your dog.

Alva Thomas
Alva Thomas
Alva Thomas expert in training and caring for pet dog breeds. Whether he spending quality time with her own furry companions or contributing to websites such as Dogsbreed.org and Animalpet.com, dedicated to our canine.

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